
iTunes for Windows 7 or Vista Troubleshooting (Part 2)

If you Google to visit here, please read the previous article : iTunes for Windows 7 or Vista Troubleshooting (Part 1)

Please follow the steps below to disable the Windows 7 or Vista 3rd-party device filters:

  1. Windows 7 : Start menu : Search programs and files : type 'regedit' and ENTER.
    Windows Vista :
    Start menu : Start Search field : type 'regedit' and ENTER.
  2. Sometimes Windows need to authorizes permission before continue.
  3. Head to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and expand the tree.
  4. Click SYSTEM : CurrentControlSet : Control : Class
  5. Select the header displays {4D36E965- (do not click the + sign here). The screenshot should like below :
  6. Select menu : FIle : Export
  7. When opens a dialog box, please ensure the "Selected branch" radio button is selected and save the file as you like.
  8. Right-click the LowerFilters key and go to the menu of shortcut, click Delete. P.S.: If you can't find a LowerFilters key then head to the step below.
  9. Right-click the UpperFilters key. From the menu of shortcut, click Modify. If the UpperFilters key is not available, please create a key for it by following steps in iTunes for Windows: "Registry settings" warning when opening iTunes.
  10. Select the whole contents in the Value data text tab.
  11. Right-click the text selected, from the menu of shortcut, click Cut.
  12. Type GEARAspiWDM and press ENTER. Pressing ENTER adds a CR in the field and is important.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Restart the PC.

If the above procedures solves the problem, that means the device filter key from other software was creating trouble with CD or DVD drive software setup with iTunes. At that moments, the CD or DVD drive software (or disc burning software) may not function properly until re-installed the entire software. To prevent the trouble again, please search if there is any updated version of your CD or DVD drive software or Disc Burning Software before re-installing it.

It the above procedures can't solve the problem, please head to the registry and resume it as below steps :

  1. Fire up the Windows Registry Editor (Regedit) that was mentioned in steps 1 and 2 in the above procedures.
  2. On the menu of File, click Import. Find the file that you have exported in the above steps.
  3. Exit Registry Editor and restart your PC.
  4. To simply the Backup/Restore procedure of the Windows Registry, we recommend to use the advanced Windows Registry Software such as Registry Winner, Registry Easy, ErrorFix or Registry Fix.

iTunes for Windows 7 or Vista Troubleshooting (Part 1)

If you are using Windows XP or 2000, please read another article.

Device filters managing Windows system software including CD & DVD software. The filters used to link with CD or DVD hardware with the software installed on your PC. iTunes setup the said software to import them and record to CD or DVD.

Affected Apple Software : iTunes 7 for Windows, iTunes 8 for Windows, Windows Vista

In some cases device filters are setup by some software that let iTunes for Windows get trouble. The followings are the issues for example :

  • CD writers can't be supported by iTunes and won't detected.
  • CD can't be detected by iTunes.
  • iTunes installed but Windows won't detect audio CD.
  • When burning CD or DVD, Windows show error messages.
  • After re-installed iTunes, users got the following messages :
    Warning! The registry settings used by the iTunes drivers for importing and burning CDs & DVDs are missing. This can happen as a result of installing other CD burning software. Please reinstall iTunes." Device filter entries exist to somehow modify the way a device works. If you are having trouble using CDs, follow these steps to temporarily disable the other third-party optical drive software entries.

Cautions : The following procedure included alter Windows system registry with Registry Editor (aka regedit). Whenever you are an expert to edit windows registry, users should always making backups to their Windows Registry before trying to edit or make changes. Attempted to change Windows Registry with mistakes can cause system failure or unexpected errors and behaviors, the worse case can cause Windows startup problems. Even the software can't work properly unless you restore the correct values in the registry. If you need some further instructions about backup windows registry, please consider some advanced software like Registry Winner, Registry Easy, ErrorFix or Registry Fix

To continue, please further to read iTunes for Windows 7 or Vista Troubleshooting (Part 2)


Windows on ARM Demo by Steven Sinofsky

Everyone think Steve Ballmer will show us in CES a Windows 8 tablet. But it is too early for Microsoft to develop this new product. Even their hardware partners can't release a Windows 7 Slates in this year. So we can't expect anymore.

How can you imagine if Windows 7 are running in ARM devices? It's a full code rewrite project of the huge Windows OS. ARM's advantages are so smart and powerful, slim in device's sizes, low power consumption and fast response in user interface.

Microsoft President Steven Sinofsky show us Windows Phone 7 which lower powerful than tablets products, but the ARM based Windows are coming soon in the same form factors. Let's see how the software giant markup their market shares.