
7 factors you should know before install Windows 7

News was flooding on the net these days about Windows 7. Now here is a summary you should know about Windows 7 in 7 factors :

1. Windows7 did not substantially modify the schema, both of Vista does not have compatibility issues. If the program in Vista works well, Windows 7 will not suffer any problem.

2. Windows 7 is not like Vista "annoying" pop-up dialog box to constantly asked questions. Tips for Windows 7 mostly are placed into a Control Panel, where they appear in the system columns (system tray) before you will receive a license icon, you can choose to see which some hints, or simply take them off at a time.

3. Windows 7 new labeled with jump list which show to you most commonly used, most recently used files, so that you want to access. For example, you're at the start menu or toolbar, point the IE icon, you can see a list of recently visited Web site.

4. Windows 7 allow easier for the establishment of a home network. New feature called HomeGroup, with a simple way to complete the network online, archives and file sharing, and you can direct point system column icon, come in the pop-up menu to connect to Wi-Fi or 3 g network.

5. Windows 7 will not have Windows 7 Ultimate Extras, or those original Vista desktop assistance program, those Windows Live tools like letters, books, MSN, etc will be available in Windows Live "wave three" panel.

6. the running speed of Windows 7 is many times faster than Windows Vista ! If the system running Vista, run Windows 7 will be faster; if it is running laptop with Vista, running Windows 7 will benefit the battery life.

7. Windows 7 is able to run on Netbooks very smoothly. According to Microsoft Steven Sinofksy, Windows 7 team : "Even in those using Atom processors, memory only 1 GB of low level Netbooks, the performance of Windows 7 also let them feel very happy !"

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